All APST students are entitled to receive Stipend subject to scrutiny of their monthly attendance by the Attendance Monitoring Cell of the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Government of Arunachal Pradesh. The APST students are awarded stipend @ Rs.1400/- per month. In addition they are also given Book Grant at the following rate per session:
- B.A/B.Com 1st and 2nd Semester : 300/-
- B.A/B.Com 3rd & 4th Semester : 150/-
Eligibility for Stipend:
- Stipend Grant – Conditions: (A stipendiary must have an account in his/her name at SBI Branch)
- The award of stipend depends on the satisfactory progress and good conduct of the stipendiary. If they are found guilty of misconduct such as resorting to or participating in strikes, irregularity in the attendance without the permission of the Principal and committing any major offence under the Rules- 8 of section 17 of Assam Education Department Rules and Orders (Vol.1) or breach of College and Hostel discipline, the Principal has the power to suspend the award of stipend with approval from the Governing Body of the College (College Managing Committee –CMC).
- For the purpose of grant of stipend, monthly attendance shall be sent to the Directorate of Higher & Technical Education and the Directorate will grant the stipend on the basis of class attendance.
- The Government shall have the right to cancel the stipend wholly/partly or stop/withhold further payment for such a period for reasons given in Rule- 8 of section 17 of the Assam Education Department Rules and Orders (Vol.1) or any other reason which the Government may think fit & proper.
- If a student is found to have obtained stipend by false means, the stipend amount paid will be recovered by the Govt. Such Students will be black-listed and debarred from stipend of any scheme forever.
- A Stipendiary shall cease to draw stipend as and when he gets a government job.
- Stipend may be withdrawn if the student changes the course of study for which the stipend was originally awarded or changes the institution of study without the prior approval of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
- Disbursement of stipend will be subject to regular attendance in the College/Hostel, satisfactory academic performance and good/decent behaviour inside and outside the College Campus. At least 50% class attendance every month is necessary so as to get the stipend for the month.
- Stipend for a particular month will be deducted if a student does not have 50% attendance for that particular month.
- Students are to submit their SBI A/C Number and Name to the respective College as Stipend Money will be credited to their bank account only.