The college has a disciplinary committee comprising of the Principal, as the chairman, Vice-Principal, head of the department of all departments, Students’ Union Advisor, Convenor Women cell, Staff Council Secretary and Hostel Superintendents as its core member. The committee’s bows to strictly monitor the indisciplinary activities falling under the jurisdiction of the college authority and to perform as and when the situation demands. Adhering to the general rules of discipline mentioned in the college prospectus, the committee very tactfully handle the matter related indisciplinary activities on receipt of written complaints.
1. All bonafide students of the college must carry their college Identity Cards with them and will have to produce the same on demand by Faculty/Principal/College Authority.
2. Every student is required to attend all lectures and practical classes.
3. A minimum of 75% attendance is required to be eligible to appear University Examinations and to be awarded stipend.
4. Attendance in all college tests/examinations/common functions is compulsory.
5. Students are expected to read the Notice Board every day. Ignorance of any notification will not be accepted as an excuse for not performing a required activity.
6. Misconduct or Misbehavior of any kind towards a faculty member or an employee of the college will be viewed seriously and will be taken appropriate action against such students. Violence in any form is unacceptable in all educational institutions.
7. Smoking, drinking and use of drugs in any form are strictly prohibited inside the college campus.
8. The use of cell phones/mobile phones in the lecture halls, halls and during the common functions of the college is strictly prohibited.
9. As per the Supreme Court of India, RAGGING within or outside the College Campus is strictly prohibited and punishable as per Law. Anyone found guilty of indulging, will be rusticated from the institution along with complain made against him/her to the nearest Police Station.
10. All the students must participate in all college programmes (co-curricular and extra-curricular) undertaken by the college.